Enterprise Core Objects III
Bob Swart |
1/14/2006 12:02:43 PM
For those of you who haven't seen it before, I've written a series of articles for the electronic Bitwise Magazine on Enterprise Core Objects II (with as main example this ASP.NET weblog application that you're currently looking at).
Since the release of Delphi 2006, I've been working with Enterprise Core Objects III, the successor of ECO II, and I've been migrating (or more rebuilding) my weblog application using some of the new ECO III features. Right now, the actual deployed application is still ECO II based, but in another month or two (I need to find some spare time), I'll deploy and document the ECO III version. Together with a number of articles discussing the new features (including the State Machine support, among others).
Until that time, you can read a very brief summary of my thoughts on ECO III.
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